Saturday, April 14, 2012

Avego Real Time Ride Sharing System, Share and Go-Green

I have recently come across this wonderful mobile phone app which was not possible in the last decade. A real time ride sharing system using smart phones.

Though there are many applications in the market for car pooling, a real time ride sharing system is one of it's kind. It allows you to make your single driven car into a ride sharing system.

Sean'O Sullivan a venture capitalist and humanitarian, is the CEO of this new company and I wish this product to be a success story across the world.

Sean O' Sullivan is credited by MIT university to coin the term cloud computing. His company way back in 1990 was the pioneer in cloud computing technology. A Polytechnic student and computer programmer, his built a multi-million product in 1990s and did exit strategy to follow his passion for movies. He went to Iran to capture a documentary and became a humanitarian starting a new organization for war-throne Iraq. His organization Jump-Info was instrumental in rebuiling the Iraq. Now he is a venture capitalist, movie maker, actor and enterpreneur.

Avego product features

1. Real time car sharing
2. Automatic Money Transfer Mechanism, where there will be an electronic wallet.
3. Security for authentication of passenger
4. Maps feature
5. Preference of riders about whom to share car with.
6. Completely free


1. An i-Phone or Windows Smart Phone for riders
2. 3G connection
3. A mentality to share

I believe that it can be implemented in India too. With petrol price and the number of cars increasing day by day, it is high time to utilize such a wonderful product which is free for world.
Why can't we utilize such a beautiful idea and utilize it?
Like some products which are crowd-sourced, Avego also needs active participation from the people to male it a success. I wish that the middle-families in India use their smart phones to do something for the world and to reduce the petrol consumption and save something for future generations.

Avego is coming up with a next generation app supporting all types of smart phones viz i-Phone, Android and Windows Mobile.

Ways to go -green
1. Use bikes and cycles
2. Use a car pooling system
3. Reduce cars
4. Car-pooling

Speaking about Crowd-Sourcing another great product to try which is free.
Collects data from your 3G phone to understand the traffic congestion in the path you are traversing.


Avego Product Page
Avego Real-time Ridesharing Demo

Sean'O Sullivan profile in College Alma Mater page
Sean'O Sullivan interview
About Sean'O Sullivan
Who Coined Cloud Computing?

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